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    Ingrowing Hairs

    > Services > Skin Concerns > Ingrowing Hairs

    Ingrowing Hairs

    Ingrowing Hairs

    Ingrown hair, also known as razor bumps or pseudofolliculitis, is a condition in which a hair curls or grows back into the skin instead of growing outward. This can lead to the formation of painful, red bumps or small, pus-filled lesions around the hair follicle. 

    6 causes for ingrown hair:

    • Curly or Coarse Hair
    • Improper Shaving or Hair Removal
    • Clogged Hair Follicles
    • Tight Clothing
    • Excessive Sweating
    • Ingrown Hair Scarring


    At a medical center specializing in dermatology or skin care, the following solutions for ingrown hairs may be offered:

    Topical Treatments:

    They are products that often contain active ingredients that target skin to exfoliate and reduce inflammation, helping to release trapped hairs.


    Chemical Peels:

    This treatment involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the top layers, revealing fresher, brighter skin underneath that helps in preventing ingrown hairs from forming.


    Laser Hair Removal:

    For individuals who experience chronic ingrown hairs in specific areas, laser hair removal can be an effective solution as it reduces hair growth and the likelihood of ingrown hairs. 


    Book a consultation with us and let our dermatologists and skin specialists guide you towards the best treatment for your concern.

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