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    > Services > Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery > Lipedema

    Lipedema Treatment


    The disease they call fat, but it’s not!

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    Lipedema Treatment

    About the Treatment

    Our center employs highly qualified medical specialists of the first and highest qualification categories with work experience of at least 10 years.

    Information Consultation
    Information Multiple Solutions
    Information Men and Women

    What is Lipedema?

    It’s a disease that primarily affects women and causes inflamed fat cells and it causes pain and abnormal sensations in the legs, hips, buttocks, and less commonly in the arms.


    Lipedema appears in the form of big hips and legs in comparison to a person’s waist and upper body, while their feet remain the normal size. Pressure on the legs can be very uncomfortable and escalate to being very painful. These symptoms also worsen with hormonal fluctuations and menstrual cycle.


    However, with the proper treatment, Lipedema can be well-managed.

    How is Lipedema treated?

    It all begins with the proper diagnosis from medical experts or vascular specialists, as this disease is not very common and can be mistaken for another, hence why it should not be taken lightly.

    There are many ways in which this disease can be treated, here they are:

    • Compression: Compression garments help to force inflammatory products out of the legs and prevent them from building back up.
    • Diet and Weight Management: It is advised to opt for an anti-inflammatory diet, which is a plant-based diet with occasional proteins.
    • Exercise: Exercise may also help to reduce the symptoms of hormonal fluctuations.
    • Liposuction: Before considering this option, consult a plastic surgeon to check if this option is safe for you. In some cases, liposuction appears to be very effective and comforting for people with Lipedema.
      *If you choose to undergo Liposuction surgery, check out the operation protocol in Liposuction section.
    • Vascular Care: Seek a vascular specialist to check if there are some superficial vein diseases contributing to Lipedema symptoms, and the steps you need to take to remedy them.


    Lipedema is not Lymphedema!

    Patients with leg lymphedema have swelling that fluctuates. Lymphedema patients have a dysfunction of their lymphatic system that makes them more vulnerable to infection, or cellulitis, of the legs. While patients with Lipedema have a normal lymphatic function.

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