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    Vascular Lesions

    > Services > Skin Concerns > Vascular Lesions

    Comprehensive Treatments for Vascular Lesions

    Comprehensive Treatments for Vascular Lesions

    Vascular lesions, also known as vascular anomalies, are abnormal clusters or growths of blood vessels in the body. These lesions can occur anywhere in the body, including the skin, organs, or bones. 

    The exact causes of vascular lesions are not always clear and can vary depending on the specific type of lesion these are some factors may contribute to their development:


    1. Genetic Factors
    2. Embryonic Development
    3. Hormonal Influences
    4. Trauma or Injury


    Clearing the Path: Effective Solutions for Vascular Lesions:

    • Laser Therapy: Laser treatment is a common approach for treating superficial vascular lesions like port-wine stains and hemangiomas. Different types of lasers are used to target and reduce the appearance of the lesion. 
    • Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a sclerosing agent is injected directly into the vascular lesion, causing it to shrink and eventually fade away. 
    • Lymphatic Drainage/Pressotherapy: garments or bandages may be used to manage certain types of vascular lesions and prevent complications.


    Book a consultation with us and let our dermatologists and skin specialists guide you towards the best treatment for your concern.

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